Item elements

Items can include the following elements which you can create or edit using the Advanced Editor. In addition, you can set the item layout to one or two columns, and set the access to part questions (require students to answer a part question before they can view the next one)

Title The title appears in the Item Library (for instructors and content authors) and in assignments for students. You can search for an item using its Title (required).
Description Students don't see descriptions, which provide a summary of an item's content in the Item Library. Descriptions can help you differentiate items (required).

The Introduction contains text and optional images and variables.

Introductions can include a Learning Goal, an optional element that helps students understand the learning objective of the tutorial.

The Introduction is optional, but is a standard element of most tutorials.


Parts contain questions and the answers for each question.

If a student answers a Part incorrectly, the response for the wrong answer may provide more guidance to the correct answer. Depending on your settings, students can optionally see the correct response if they can't answer the question. At least one Part is required.


Hints provide guidance to the correct answer. Hints aren't required, but most tutorials have them.

Follow-up and Transition text

Optional wrong answer responses for an incorrect answer that you author appear after a Part or Hint is answered. It makes a pedagogical point about the tutorial, Part, or Hint. You can also add optional follow-up text for correct answers.

Transition text is optional, and provides new or additional information about the Part that follows it.